Due to staffing limitations, the Planning and Zoning Office will be closed to the public on Wednesdays through August; and Fridays starting on September 2nd. Inquiries may be sent via email or phone to Ann Bell or Kimberly Moore, and will be answered as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconveniences. F

Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement

Planning and Zoning are important ways in which residents can work together to encourage beneficial land use patterns for the present and future occupants. Compliance by all can result in maintenance of a high quality of life, stable property values and physical integrity of the environment. Staff are available to guide residents, business owners, and developers through the Planning and Zoning Board processes.


Township planning personnel operate under the vision statement of Medford's Master Plan. Medford is a thriving, diverse community that provides a safe and healthy place to live for all residents by valuing the natural environment as well as a sustainable, broad-based economy that serves the needs of the community. The future development of Medford will:


In New Jersey, municipalities are given zoning authority by a state statute called "The Municipal Land Use Law" (MLUL). (NJSA 40:55D-2) Local governments may adopt Land Development ordinances and establish a Zoning Board of Adjustment to hear and decide variance requests and interpret the Land Development Ordinances. Additionally, "the Supreme Court has stated that the preservation of the character of a neighborhood and conservation of neighborhood values are still proper zoning purposes." (1991 Edition New Jersey Zoning and Land Use 'Administration, by Wm. M. Cox, 7-2.1, p. 100)

Zoning regulates land use by designating districts - such as residential and commercial - where specific uses are permitted and others prohibited. The idea is to avoid incompatible activities in proximity to one another and to enhance and preserve the livability of our community. Click here for the Zoning Map.

This office coordinates applications for approvals for building homes, additions, decks, fences, pools, patios, sheds, garages, pergolas, and driveways. Applicants must provide a property survey and complete Zoning Application forms. When a business wants to locate within the Township, the Zoning Office will also issue a Zoning Permit to occupy the facility. The proposed use of the facility/building is reviewed for consistency with the Township Land Development Ordinances. After review and approval from the Zoning Office, applicants are required to apply with the Construction Department. Please note some proposed applications will be required to be approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Each residential Zoning District has requirements for Building & Lot Coverage, set-backs, and number of accessory structures. The Zoning Office staff is here to assist residents who are considering making improvements and/or changes to their property. We suggest bringing a copy of your property survey to help us guide you through the process.

NJ Pinelands

All areas in Medford south of Route 70 are located within the federally-designated Pinelands Natural Reserve. Because of the unique ecological, environmental and natural assets of this region, development may be limited or restricted due to the presence of wetlands and wetlands buffers, scenic corridors, and other special protections. The New Jersey Pinelands Commission has updated its online, Interactive Map to include permanent land protection data. The public can access the map on the Home page of the Commission's website through the Maps tab or by clicking on the Pinelands Interactive Map icon. The map can also be accessed by clicking here. The updated mapping includes preserved open space, farmland, Pinelands application-related restrictions, and other types of permanent protection restrictions.

The public can also access a Permanent Land Protection map (.pdf) and GIS shapefile data by clicking here. The Interactive Map data is automatically and more frequently updated over the course of the year. The downloadable GIS shapefile data will not be updated routinely and represents the status of permanent land protection as of July 2022. The .pdf of the Permanent Land Protection map represents the status of permanent land protection for the prior fiscal year and is updated in August or September each year.

Click HERE for the checklist of requirements for a Zoning Permit for a Residential Application.

As noted above, Zoning permits are required for new home construction, additions, decks, fences, finished basements/attics, solar, driveway extensions, patios and outdoor kitchens; and accessory structures such as sheds, detached garages, pools, pergolas, cabanas, tennis courts, etc.

**Please note one (1) accessory structure is permitted on lots less than one acre. Two accessory structures, each not exceeding 168 s/f, are permitted on lots between 1 and 2 acres. Lots of 2 or more acres are permitted to have up to 3 such structures.

Sheds/Gazebos/Pool Houses & Cabanas

The Township Ordinances define sheds as follows: Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than vehicles) and other customary residential accessory strictures, e.g. gazebos, cabanas, etc. owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding 15' in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor area.

Any sized shed requires a Zoning Permit. Click HERE for the requirements, application and checklist for a Zoning permit for a Shed. Sheds up to 168 square feet require a Zoning Permit only. Sheds larger than 168 s/f require Bulk Variance approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Sheds cannot exceed 15' in height; and must be located in a side or rear yard; no front yard sheds are permitted. Sheds in a side yard must be located 15' from the property line. Sheds in the rear yard must be at least 5' from both the rear and/or side yard neighboring property lines.

Detached Garages

For private residential garages, please use the Residential application above. A residential garage is defined as follows: A structure which is associated with a residential building and which is used for the parking and storage of vehicles owned and operated by the residents thereof, and which is not a separate commercial enterprise available to the general public. A private residential garage shall have capacity for not more than three motor vehicles, shall not exceed a width of 45 feet, and shall not exceed a depth of 24 feet. Additionally, a detached private residential garage shall not exceed a height of 20 feet. Any proposed garage exceeding any of the above dimensions will require Bulk Variance approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.


Click HERE for the requirements and checklist for a Zoning Permit for in-ground and above ground pools.


All property owners must obtain a Zoning Permit to install new and replacement fencing. The Ordinance for fences can be found HERE on our website. Click HERE for the Zoning permit application packet. Click HERE for the UCC Code for Pool & Spa fencing requirements, as regulated by the Construction office.

All property owners must obtain a Zoning Permit to install new and replacement fencing. The Ordinance for fences can be found HERE on our website. Click HERE for the Zoning permit application packet. Click HERE for the UCC Code for Pool & Spa fencing requirements, as regulated by the Construction office.


Under Pinelands Commission regulations and Medford Township Ordinances, any creation, expansion or rehabilitation of a driveway is considered an impervious surface "area of disturbance" and is counted towards a part of a property's overall lot coverage. Every residential Zoning District has defined lot coverage percentages which are permitted. This includes driveways consisting of loose stone and pavers as well as asphalt and concrete.

A permit is required from the Zoning Office prior to any driveway restoration work taking place. (See above residential permit application packet) If a new driveway is proposed, a driveway permit must also be obtained from the Township Clerk's Office and an inspection conducted by the Township Engineer prior to construction to allow for an apron and/or opening onto a municipal roadway. If the driveway will be entering from a County or State roadway, permit approvals from those agencies are first required. Click HERE for the link to the driveway permit application for new driveways on municipal roadways.


Dumpsters/Pods/Roll-Off Waste Containers

The Township Council adopted an Ordinance in 2019 requiring permits for dumpsters/roll-off containers/PODS/Bagsters to be placed in roadways. The Application Form can be found HERE, and is to be submitted to the Clerk's Office. There is no fee for this permit.

Click HERE for the checklist of requirements for a Zoning Permit for a Non-Residential (Commercial/Business) Application.

Specific questions concerning Zoning classifications, setback requirements, minimum lot requirements, and permitted uses for a property should be addressed to the Director of Planning, Ann Bell, at [email protected]. Businesses should refer to the Economic Development Commission page for additional resources and assistance.

Tree Removal/Cutting

The Medford Township Council approved Ordinance 2020-22 effective as of November 1, 2020 establishing Chapter 123 of the Administrative Code, regulating the removal of trees on residential properties. Said Ordinance was revised by the Council in July 2024 per Ordinance 2024-4A.

Standards for Keeping Chickens - Administrative Code Chapter 86 // Council Ordinance #2015-12

The Township Council adopted an Ordinance in 2015 to allow for the keeping of chickens on non-farmland residential properties. (Click HERE for the Ordinance in its entirety)

Some of the major provisions of this Ordinance are as follows:

A minimum lot size of one-quarter (1/4) acre is required to keep chickens. Keeping of chickens shall only be permitted in zoning districts for residential or agricultural use.

No more than nine (9) female chickens may be kept on any residential lot. Roosters and Cockerels are prohibited. Slaughtering chickens in public view is prohibited.

Any person owning, keeping, maintaining or harboring a chicken, who violates or fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this Section 86-1, shall be liable for a penalty as prescribed in 1-16 of the Township Code. The restrictions of this ordinance shall not apply to agricultural properties qualifying under the Right to Farm Act.

If a flock of chickens perish due to disease/suspected disease, the homeowner shall immediately notify the Burlington County Health Department.

Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for code enforcement; and is tasked with taking action and responding to complaints from residents that involve violations of Medford Township Administrative Codes and Land Development Ordinances. The enforcement of these codes and ordinances have a direct impact on the quality of life and the stabilizing of community values, in addition to the detection and reduction of criminal activity.

Code Enforcement cannot resolve matters such as property line disputes, tree branches or limbs hanging onto your property, as well as some subdivision covenants and deed restrictions. These issues are best handled by an attorney, as they tend to be civil matters.

Other items, such as street signs, and roadway clear vision areas that are obscured by brush or other such items, are handled through the Public Works Department at 609-654-6791.

Complaints or concerns regarding parking in the street, noise, including dogs, should be referred to the Police Department via 911 or the non-emergency Police number (609) 267-8300.

Code Enforcement violations can be reported to the Code Enforcement Officer at 609-654-2608 Ext. 314. You may also email: abell or cborstad Violations can also be reported thru our "Contact Us" or the "Service Request" reporting program via the links on the upper right on the homepage. By law you can remain anonymous when reporting possible violations.

Common complaints that are a violation of Medford Township Codes enforced by the Code Enforcement Officer

Signs (LDO Section 513)

The Township Council has adopted Ordinance #2013-1 including various sign standards to provide efficient and controlled standards for signs that balance the aesthetic and economic development needs of the Township of Medford. Please click HERE for a copy of the Ordinance, and HERE for amendments to the Ordinance adopted in 2020.

No sign, other than exempt signs, shall be erected without first obtaining a sign permit from the Zoning Office. No sign shall be erected within the right-of-way of any public street or sidewalk, at any intersection within the triangular area formed by the right-of-way lines, or in any way that impedes the vision of motorists or pedestrians or otherwise endangers their safety. No sign shall be placed on any tree, telegraph, electric or public utility pole, or upon rocks or other natural features. Political signs are allowed, provided they are on private property, set back at least 5 feet from all street and property lines and are not more than 16 square feet. These signs shall be permitted within 30 days prior to and must be removed with 10 days of the election. Yard and garage sale signs shall not exceed 4 square feet and may not be erected more than 7 days prior to such sale and must be removed with 48 hours after sale. Entities wishing to utilize any other signage are suggested to contact the Zoning Office or refer to the above Ordinance for more information.

Dogs - AC Chapter 66

Any property within the Township of Medford with dogs must have them vaccinated against rabies and licensed by the Township. (Please refer to Clerk's Office for more information) No person shall own any dog which habitually cries or barks in a manner, which would annoy or disturb a reasonable person. No person owning a dog and/or cat shall permit it to run at large upon public streets, parks, or any public place within the Township nor permit it to run at large on private property without the owners permission. No person shall allow a dog to defecate on or commit any nuisance on any portion of public property whatsoever, and any private property without the permission of the owner. Enforcement is through the Police Department.

(Section 502 of the Land Development Regulations covers other Animals)

Property Maintenance -AC Chapter 49 "Brush, Weeds, Trash and Debris"

Residents and businesses are required to keep their property maintained at all times. The exterior of the properties are to be properly maintained. Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, door, window, roof or other part of the building shall be kept in good repair and capable of the use intended by its design, and any exterior part or parts thereof subject to corrosion or deterioration shall be kept well painted. Every dwelling shall be free from rodents, vermin and insects. Every building, dwelling, dwelling unit and all other areas of the premises shall be clean and free from garbage or rubbish and hazards to safety. Lawns, hedges and bushes shall be kept trimmed and shall not be permitted to become overgrown and unsightly. Fences shall be kept in good repair.

Per Chapter 49, it shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant or tenant of any lot or tract of land to permit or maintain on any such lot any brush, weeds, dead and dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growths, non-native invasive species including bamboo, filth, garbage, trash and debris injurious to the public health, safety and general welfare; or where the same may create a fire hazard or tend to interfere with the orderly flow of surface waters.

“Littering” - AC Chapter 89

No person shall throw, drop, discard or otherwise place litter of any nature upon any public or private property, other than in a litter receptacle. It is unlawful to discard or dump along any street or road, on or off any right-of-way, any litter, household or commercial waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, vehicle or vehicle parts, without written consent of the property owner. The owner or person in control of any private property shall at all times maintain the premises free of litter, except for storage in authorized litter receptacles.

“Streets and Sidewalks” - AC Chapter 129

Sidewalks must be maintained by the property owner at all times, and should present tripping or fall hazards. Additionally, no person shall tear up, open, dig, or excavate any street, highway, road or public place or right-of-way or disturb any pavement, curbing, guttering without having obtained a permit from the Clerk's Office. Click here for the application.

The owners, occupants, or tenants of premises abutting any street shall remove all snow and ice from sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow and/or ice accumulation ceases.

Complete copies of the Township of Medford Administrative Code are available for review at the Township Clerk’s Office. The Township Code is also accessible online by clicking on the links in the sidebar or HERE, although recent updates adopted by the Township Council may not be included in this on-line version.

Additional Links

Documents and Forms


Planning Board Packet

Waiver of Site Plan


Contact Information

Director of Planning and Enforcement/
Zoning Official

Ann Bell, AICP, PP (ext. 324)

Email: abell

Code Enforcement Officer

Cathy Borstad (ext 314)

Email: cborstad

Zoning Assistant (P/T)

Brittany Green (ext. 336)

Email: bgreen

Zoning Assistant

Chelsea Selfridge (ext. 315)

Email: cselfridge

Fax: (609) 953-7720

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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