Parks and Recreation
Recreational Program Providers
(This list is for informational purposes only, and represents those programs and services that we have identified as serving Medford residents. This listing should not be considered as a Township endorsement. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact us).
Girls on the Run
Medford Youth Athletic Association (Organized Athletics for girls & boys ages 5-17)
Medford Arts Center
YMCA Camp of the Pines (formerly Camp Ockanickon)
YMCA of Burlington & Camden Counties
JCC Camps at Medford
Camp Dark Waters
Medford Leas
Cranberry Hall Senior Center
Burlington County Parks
Burlington County Arts & Cultural Affairs
Adult Zumba
Zumba Gold (for senior citizens)
Shanti Yoga (Lora Kline)
Adult & Senior Citizens Yoga, Arthritis Education & Project Healthy Bones
Adult Watercolors
Eileen Caporaso
Healthy Hands Youth Cooking Classes
Michelle Kearns