Departments & Services
Live Streaming of Meetings
We are pleased to offer the Live Streaming of Meetings component of our website. The Live Streaming is available for all regularly scheduled Township Council meetings, Planning Board meetings & Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings.
Council meetings are scheduled for the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm. Planning Board meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm; and Zoning Board meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm.
We do suggest that you sign up for email notifications or check the Meetings schedule and/or News Feed on the home page for announcements if meeting dates and/or times are changed.
Please note that screen may appear blank or the sound may be turned off at certain portions of a meeting; which would reflect that the meeting is in closed session. The Council/Board will return to take official action if required and will close the meeting. If you choose, you may view this portion of the meeting in the file footage to be found under the appropriate tab below.
*Please note the July 5, 2016, the May 7, 2019, and the August 20, 2024 Council meeting videos are not available due to technical issues. Please visit the Clerk's Office page to request a copy of the minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.*