Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee (NSAC)

Meeting: 1st Wednesday of every month beginning at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall Municipal Building & Library, located at 49 Union Street.

No meetings scheduled for 2023

The purpose of this Committee is to advise the Council & Manager with respect to civic and community activities within the Township, including parks & recreation, athletics, the arts, senior citizens, municipal drug alliance, homeowners associations, education and special events.

Please click HERE for the monthly Medford Messenger E-Newsletter, which is prepared by the NSAC Committee to inform residents of Township services, activities, events and other topics of interest.


All regular and special meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. Please check this website for any potential cancellations or changes.

Contact the NSAC

Please contact the NSAC by emailing [email protected]. You may also call (609) 654-2608 x330.



2022 Committee Members

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