Departments & Services
Water Conservation and Emergency Management Regulations
Chapter 121-3(K)
1) Stage 1. For the period May 1 through September 30 of each year, the following water conservation regulations shall be in effect:
a) The use of public water for irrigation shall be limited to an odd/even schedule according to date and the users' house number.
1) The use of public water for irrigation shall be limited to six hours per day, from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. prevailing time in accordance with the odd/even schedule as set forth in Stage 1, above.
2) Properties equipped with automatic sprinklers, for the purpose of watering lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers or gardens, are permitted to be watered according to the odd/even schedule from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. only
3) Swimming pools are permitted to be filled or topped off in accordance with the odd/even schedule set forth in Stage 1 above.
4) Flowers and shrubs on properties having hand-held hoses equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle are permitted to be watered as needed.
5) Common areas, which shall be defined as an area within or related to a site, including but not limited to passive or recreation lots, median strips, or open space, intended for the use or enjoyment of residents, may be watered on even dates. common areas shall specifically include (but are not limited to) any property owned and maintained by a homeowners' association.
b) The following uses shall be exempt from the odd/even requirement:
1) Use of water from private wells, lakes, streams or any source other than the municipal water system.
2) Use of water for agricultural application.
3) Use of water by a business engaged in the sale of plants, shrubs, trees, sod, etc., or landscaping services, that require daily watering.
4) Use of water for newly planted landscaping, for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of installation.
5) Use of water for fire suppression and protection.
6) Use of water approved and authorized by the Division.
7) Customers of the water system, using water from private wells, lakes, streams or other sources other than the municipal system, shall post a sign, visible from the street, stating the source of the water being used for irrigation purposes.
c) The use of public water for irrigation and exterior water use shall not be permitted as follows:
1) During period of precipitation
2) To apply or to excessively run off, directly or indirectly street surfaces, driveways other impervious surfaces, except when authorized by the Division.
2) Stage 2. Whenever conditions create, or threaten to create, a water emergency, the Township Manager, or the Manager's designated representative, shall have the authority to enact the following regulations:
a) There shall be no permitted use of public water for irrigation or other exterior water uses, unless use falls within 121-3(K)(1)(b) exemptions.
3) Stage 3. Whenever the State of New Jersey enacts a Water Emergency, under the authority of the Water Supply Management Act, N.J.S.A. 58:1a-1 et seq., and the Emergency Water Supply allocation Plan Regulations (NJAC 7:19A-1.1 et seq.) ,the Township Manager, or the Manager's designated representative, shall enforce said regulations.