Leaf Collection Program



Zones 1 & 2- weeks of November 4th & December 2nd

Zone 4 – weeks of November 11th & December 9th

Zone 3- weeks of November 18th & December 16th

Zone 5- weeks of November 25th & December 23rd


Placement of leaves at the curb or along the street at any other time or in any other manner is a violation of Township Administrative Code Chapter 82. Any leaves placed curbside outside of the times specified by the Township will be the responsibility of the homeowner to have removed. Sweeping, raking, blowing or otherwise placing leaves at the curb is only permitted seven (7) days prior to a scheduled collection.


Leaves must be free of sticks, branches, tree parts, rocks, vines, or other foreign materials. These items will clog the suction tube resulting in increased down time and possible delays. Leaf piles that include any of these items WILL NOT BE COLLECTED. If a Zone is completed before the end of the collection week, crews may move forward to continue getting leaves off the street. If this happens, crews will return on the scheduled week to perform collections in that Zone.


Residents are encouraged to build enclosures out of four (4) foot vinyl construction fencing available at local home improvement stores. These enclosures should be placed parallel to the roadway and should be no further than ten (10) feet from the edge of the roadway.


PLEASE NOTE THAT TRUCKS WILL NOT LEAVE THE ROADWAY FOR ANY REASON TO COLLECT LEAVES. Drivers will stay on the roadway to prevent damage to any private property and reduce the chance of getting stuck.


Leaves must not be placed in the street or block any vehicle traffic lanes. Leaves must be at least ten (10) feet from storm drains and leaf piles should not block the flow of stormwater on the roadway. Vehicles should be parked away from leaf piles to allow crews to collect leaves quickly and safely. Leaves blocked by parked cars WILL NOT BE COLLECTED. Leaves placed curbside that do not meet the strict guidelines above WILL NOT BE COLLECTED.


*****Any leaves placed at the street by landscapers, contractors, or anyone hired by a homeowner, must be removed by them. Township crews will record addresses where landscapers are actively working and any leaves placed at the street will not be collected by Township personnel.*****


Questions about leaf collection should be directed to the Department of Public Works at 609-654-6791.

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